
Precast Solutions


Precast Solutions

Articulated Concrete Mats

Waskey is well known for meeting the rigorous safety and logistical challenges of serving its offshore clients.  The quality patented design of Waskey’s Articulating Concrete Mats and Log Mats are unmatched in the industry.  Waskey’s specialized deployment frames make precise mat placement to the seabed possible with a performance record that is unmatched for safely delivering the largest number of concrete mats to the seafloor in the least amount of time.

Articulated Concrete Mat Sizes and Weights

Log Mat Sizes and Weights

Deployment Frames


  • Waskey Articulating Concrete Mats are a dynamic system of 160 concrete cells interlinked with 400 feet of extruded copolymer rope with a minimum tensile strength of 9,600 lbs.
  • The engineered shape of each concrete element allows it to articulate on a two axial plane. The concrete, rope and non-abrasive PVC boots or PVC pads all have a working life that meets or exceeds that of the pipelines or structures they serve.
  • Articulating Concrete Mats (ACM) provide the best solution for covering and securing exposed pipelines. Our dynamic design allows the mat to conform to any pipeline and maintain its stability on the seabed.
  • Waskey’s PVC boots and pads are an integral part of the mat element, providing complete non-shielding/non-abrasive protection for cables, umbilicals and pipelines. The unique patented (U.S. Patent No.: 8,858,118 and 9,518,366) design of Waskey’s non-abrasive boots and pads protect against cathodic shielding of pipelines by enabling water to flow freely between the boot/ pads and pipeline wall to ensure non-interference with the pipelines cathodic protection system.
  • Waskey’s elite anchoring systems provides unmatched pipeline protection while protecting against peeling during the application process.
  • Waskey’s environmentally friendly concrete mats are an effective solution for a variety of soil stabilization issues and geo-technical failures. They are easily installed on river and stream banks as well as shorelines. Environmentally friendly engineered mat systems are an effective long-term solution for pipeline protection in right-of-ways as well as slope stabilization on waterways.
  • The Waskey Logmat (U.S. No. Patent 10,301,788) offers a superior foundation base for supporting pipelines and subsea construction where poor soil conditions exist. The Waskey Logmat is comprised of 4-12” steel reinforced concrete hexagon logs interlinked with copolymer rope. The Waskey Logmat’s durable construction makes it a safe and economical means to achieve strength and stability in uncertain seabed conditions.
  • Waskey’s diver/ROV friendly, dual and single release deployment frames were developed from a proven design and are engineered for deepwater dependability and safety. Waskey’s deployment frames allow for numerous variations in mat orientations and quantities per deployment. Waskey’s specialized deployment frames make precise mat placement to the seabed possible with a performance record that is unmatched for safely delivering the largest number of concrete mats to the seafloor in the least amount of time.
  • The design has been proven effective in providing a stable subsea foundation for crossing configurations as well as temporary subsea work platforms.


  • Cover and secure exposed pipelines and umbilicals
  • Cap decommissioned pipelines
  • Pipeline separation
  • Drop protection
  • Free span correction
  • Reduces vortex induced vibrations (VIV)
  • Prevents pipeline vortex shedding
  • Utilize rig pads
  • Pipeline and umbilical anchoring
  • Value protection

Projects with Waskey
Articulated concrete mats




WASKEY provided 4.5” articulated mats to GEMMA Power Systems as part of a site soil stabilization effort to combat erosion at their facility in Woodville, TX. The mats were applied to various trouble spots including drainage ditches and the banks of a sediment basin. The mats were quickly tested during the 100 year rain event that occurred during the winter of 2013. WASKEY’s mats responded perfectly to the challenge.

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